sábado, 10 de outubro de 2009

Chicago White Doubleneck Guitar

sábado, 10 de outubro de 2009

Este Pin é de uma guitarra de duplo braço e foi o primeiro pin fabricado e comercializado para o Hard Rock Café de Chicago.
De início o nome da cidade não aparecia no braço da guitarra, porém na edição de Setembro de 2006, quando o Pin voltou ao catálogo, essa referência já constava. O preço comercial deste pin, em alguns sites de vendas, atinge a quantia média de $84.99.
This is the Hard Rock Cafe Chicago White Doubleneck Guitar.
Firstly this White Double-Neck Guitar appeared without "Chicago" written on its upper neck.
This is the first ever pin that was produced for the Chicago Cafe. This product was added to the catalog on Sunday 10 September, 2006 and its average estimated value is $84.99.

Eis algumas imagens do Hard Rock Café de Chicago, para além de algumas imagens da cidade.
Here there are some images taken from the Chicago and its Hard Rock Café. One of the most beautiful and pleasant places of the city.
Hard Rock Cafe Chicago has celebrated 21 years at the corner of Clark and Ontario, in the heart of Chicago's River North neighborhood. Located just 5 blocks west of Michigan Avenue, Hard Rock continues to "Love All Serve All" 364 days of the year. Lauded for diversity in all areas and embracing classic and funky trends with equal ardor, Hard Rock Cafe has something special for all. Whether you need a Hickory-Smoked Pulled-Pork sandwich after shopping on the Magnificent Mile or a Rockarita after the theater, you'll find a wide variety of Legendary Cuisine.

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